Wednesday 21 December 2016

Fuck Die hard 3

I slept through the MacPhersons paint explosion. My father slept through the earthquake of '88. Both were rare occurrences. There had never been a paint explosion in our town before and the last time an earthquake shook potatoes hadn’t even got here.
We watched action movies. The night chipped away. The girl in the USA bikini fired her automatic rifle at the east German bad guys. The sound effect of empty shells hitting the floor reminded me of winter rain. A close up of her face exasperated by the rampage.
Father was working nights. He later fabricated a story saying that he saw the wardrobe shake. I thought it was probably a poltergeist rather than the earthquake. My shorts had a tricolour flag and I imagined myself as a bandit. The liberal movies later proved to be too conservative for my palate and I found the racism in Die hard 3 too much to palate.
A shopping bag left on the table read ‘flavour of the month’ the rest is crumpled up and I couldn’t have cared less. I ripped the crisps out and absently opened them and started shoveling them into my mouth. A g chord was plucked in some far off studio and the player raked chords up for future nostalgia. Thanks, buddy.
People later said they thought it was a thunderstorm. Kids at school said it sounded like Iraq although they had only travelled as far as the supermarket in Bolton. One boy, two years ahead of us, had been as far as far as London for a football trial. He had nothing to say about the explosion.

a sky dilates
w/ king edwards
the sound of carols

Thursday 30 June 2016

30 Days Wild (Day 30) Last day :(

The last 30 days have been quite interesting as they've made me look at what my place in nature is and how and ultimately why I interact with it.

I've noticed from bloging about it, it is generally a very private experience. Some of the blogs I have enjoyed writing and creating and I have thoroughly enjoyed the contributions of people doing the same, but at times I've felt not at home writing about them. I'm sure this is largely influenced by the volume and consistency of the blogs. I have ultimately kept back certain experiences in nature in the last month but have endeavoured to experience nature each day.

This is not to complain about the experience it has really showed the importance of my reactions with nature are and how could that be a bad thing? This month has encouraged me greatly to get out and look at why I get out.